Hello!  I’m Leann…

I am the happiest when I am with my family! I grew up in a large family of 7 kids, so I love being with people! Growing up in a large family taught me to work hard, include everyone and have fun! I keep busy working as a freelance website designer and volunteering at the kid’s school. I am a teacher at heart, so I enjoy working with people and helping them learn. I am fortunate that I was able to teach our kids to read before they went to kindergarten, which has helped them get ahead in school. Education has always been a priority for me! I have always strived in high school and college to do my best. I love learning new things and finding fun new things to try!

Basic Information

  • Age: 39

  • Race/Ethnicity: Asian

  • Education: Master’s Degree

  •  Stay-at-home mom, web design / developer

  • State: Arizona

  •  Married

  • Years Together: 18 Years

  •  Suburban

  •  House

  •  Biological children

About Leann From Josh…

Leann is gorgeous. I don’t mean that she’s just gorgeous looking (she is!) but she’s beautiful in her character, her desire to help others, and in her love for life and adventure in general. It’s not possible to adequately express in words just how amazing my beautiful bride is and just how lucky I am to be with her. She’s amazing with our boys, constantly making them laugh and helping them learn and be better versions of themselves each and every day. She’s an amazing wife, always making sure we have time together and supporting me in whatever goal I set. Lastly, she’s an amazing friend, consistently going out of her way to help others. I can also tell you that she’s full of laughter, full of love and that I can’t imagine a better person to go through life and raise a family with.


  • Cooking/Baking

  • Writing

  • Singing

  • Hiking

  • Dancing

  • Beach Volleyball

  • Volunteering

  • Crafting

Call or Text Us:(602)903-5153


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Our Promise

Our promise to you is that we will love, nurture, protect and help your child grow into the amazing person they were meant to become. We are all about openness in the adoption process. Everything we’ve read and researched points towards that being the best thing to do… but more importantly, it feels like the right thing to do in our heart. We plan to share the adoption story with the child from the beginning and we see you as being actively involved in that process.