Since we know that a lot of the folks that actively follow us here on Instagram are other hopeful adoptive families supporting one another, we thought we would give a shout out to some of our most valued partners/advisors/friends on our adoption journey that might be able to help some of you as well. No trickery here… these folks don’t have any idea we are posting this and we don’t get any sort of kickback for these posts. We just like their services, and we like them as people too. Should you be on the same road as us, we thought you might appreciate these posts.
We’ve had the privilege to meet with Art & Bev over at Adoption Specialists of Arizona a few times over the course of our adoption journey and we really enjoy their company! They are very down to earth and easy to talk to. They’ve offered up some great advice and we’ve received calls from them thinking about us and asking how we are doing. We took a screenshot from their adoption specialist website of the services they offer and posted it here. We would highly recommend them if you’re looking for any of these services.